About Association
A unique simple platform was created with lot of synergiesand opportunity was given to the members of TREA to share their life time experiences -a message to the youngsters. A big super hit that was the experience the members would cherish and relive their memories for long.ReadMore


ఈనాటి సూక్తి
అఖండ శక్తి, అఖండ ఉత్సాహం, అఖండ ధైర్యం, అఖండ సహనం ఇవే మనకు ఆవశ్యకాలు. అప్పుడే మహత్కార్యాలు
Sweeya Aavishkarana
Sweeya Avishkarana-(స్వీయ ఆవిష్కరణ) since july 2020 of our Engineering fraternity and TREA utilised technology extensively and created a plethora of opportunities for mass communication and constant interaction.
YouTube Connect ZoomCore Committee Meeting

Our Mentor
Ramaraju Vidyasagar Rao (14 November 1939 – 29 April 2017) was an Indian government administrator and a Telangana activist. He was the Chief Engineer of the Ministry of Water Resources, Central Water Commission. After the formation of Telangana State, he was appointed as the Advisor on Irrigation to the Government of Telangana. He was the foremost expert on irrigation projects in Telangana, and was instrumental in highlighting injustices in water allocation for Telangana Region in United Andhra Pradesh.
Read MoreToday Health Tip
ఈ నట్స్ ఉండే మూలకాలు శరీరంలో బరువును నియంత్రించేందుకు ప్రభావవంతంగా పని చేస్తాయి. వీటిల్లో ఒమేగా -3 కొవ్వు ఆమ్లాలు- వాల్నట్లో ఇతర గింజల కంటే ఎక్కువ ఒమేగా -3 ఉంటుంది. ఇది గుండె జబ్బులను తగ్గించడంలో సహాయపడుతుంది. అలాగే మెదడు పనితీరును పెంచడంలోనూ అద్భుతంగా పనిచేస్తుంది. రాత్రిపూట 4 లేదా 5 వాల్నట్లను నీళ్లలో నానబెట్టుకుని, ఒక కప్పు పెరుగుతో కలిపి ఉదయాన్నే తింటే మేలు చేస్తుంది. ఈ మిశ్రమానికి ఓట్స్ కూడా జోడించవచుకోవచ్చు. పోషకాల పరిమాణం మరింత పెరుగుఉంది…. హెలీ టిసెన్ అమతుంది.
షుగర్ పేషంట్స్కు ఇవి చాలా మేలు చేస్తాయట. వాల్నట్స్ తింటే ఆయుష్షు పెరుగుతుందని అధ్యయనాలు చెబుతున్నాయి.
వాల్నట్స్లో ఉండే గుణాలు శరీరంలో ALA అనే చెడు కొలెస్ట్రాల్ స్థాయిని నియంత్రించి.. జీర్ణక్రియను మెరుగుపరుస్తుంది. శరీరంలో కొవ్వు కదలికను తగ్గించి.. బరువును నియంత్రించేందుకు కూడా ఇది సహాయపడుతుంది. వాల్నట్స్లో ప్రొటీన్లు, మినరల్స్, విటమిన్లు పుష్కలంగా ఉంటాయి. వీటిని క్రమం తప్పకుండా తినటం వల్ల పొట్ట ఎక్కువ సమయం పాటు నిండుగా ఉంటుంది.
డయబెటిక్స్కు కూడా వాల్నట్స్ బాగా హెల్ప్ అవుతాయి. నానబెట్టిన వాల్ నట్స్న తినడం ప్రయోజనకరంగా ఉంటుంది. రోజూ 2 నుండి 3 వాల్ నట్స్న తినేవారిలో టైప్ -2 డయాబెటిస్ ‘వచ్చే ప్రమాదం తగ్గుతుందని చాలా అధ్యయనాలు చెబుతున్నాయి. వాల్ నట్ రక్తంలో చక్కెర స్థాయిలను నియంత్రించడంలో చాలా బాగా పనిచేస్తాయి. డయాబెటిస్ ప్రమాదాన్ని తగ్గిస్తుంది. వాల్నట్స్న అధిక మొత్తంలో తీసుకున్న వారు శారీరకంగా కూడా చాలా యాక్టివ్గా ఉంటారట.
Today in History
1. 31st May – Anti-Tobacco Day. Anti-Tobacco Day or World No Tobacco Day has been observed on 31st May every year since 1987 across the world to make people aware and educate them about the harmful effects of tobacco on health which causes cardiovascular diseases, cancer, tooth decay, staining of teeth etc. World No Tobacco Day was created in 1987 by Member States of the World Health Organisation (WHO) to raise awareness of the harms caused by tobacco products to people, public health, communities and the environment. The theme of World No Tobacco Day 2024 is “Protecting children from tobacco industry
industry interference” to protect future generations and ensure that tobacco use continues to decline.
2. Buddagaya encourage Mahabodhi Mahabodhi Society, an organisation to Buddist studies in india and abroad was established on 31st May 1891at Colombo by Anagārika Dharmapāla who was a Sri a Sri Lankan Buddhist Monk revivalist and a writer. 3. Mahatma Gandhi first proposed a flag to the Indian National Congress on 31st May in 1921. The flag was designed by Pingali Venkayya. In the centre was a raditional spinning wheel, symbolising Gandhi’s goal of making Indians self-reliant by fabricating their own clothing, between a red stripe for Hindus and a green strine for Muslims
4. Vivekananda began his journey to America from Bombay on 31st May 1893, on the ship named peninsula. His journey to America took him to China, Japan and Canada. Swami Vivekananda represented India and Hinduism at the First World’s Parliament of the Religions which was held from September 11 to 27 in the year 1893. Delegates from all over the world joined this Parliament.
5. Samachar Darpan, the first Bengali news paper, also the first in Indian languages started publishing on 31st May 1818.
6. Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the striking clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster. The official name of the tower in which Big Ben is located was originally the Clock Tower which was completed in all respects on 31st May 1859 to function regularly. The tower was designed by Augustus Pugin in a neo-Gothic style. When completed in 1859, its clock was the largest and most accurate four-faced striking and chiming clock in the world. Later it was renamed as Elizabeth Tower in 2012 to mark the Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom.
7. And with the success: on May 31, 1879, Siemens & Halske presented the world’s first electric passenger train at Berlin in which the power was supplied through the rails. The 150-volt direct current flowed through the two rails to the small locomotive via an insulated flat iron bar mounted between the rails.
8. RS-D1 was a 38 kg experimental spin stabilized satellite designed with a power handling capability of 16W. It was launched onboard SLV-3 from SHAR Centre on May 31st in the year 1981
9. Ahilyabai Holkar Born on May 31st, 1725, was the Queen of Maratha Malwa kingdom. After the death of her husband and later of her father-in-law she was crowned as the Queen of Malwa Kingdom. During her rulership, she built hundreds of temples and Dharmashalas throughout India.
10.Memorial Day is observed on last Monday of May as a day of remembrance for those who gave their lives in military service for the US. Memorial Day is commemorated to remember the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. This year Memorial Day will be observed on Monday, May 31. It was originally known as Decoration
ఈనాటి సంస్కృత పదం
కీలో ద్విదలస్య కృతే కతి రూప్యకాణి ? =
కిలో పప్పు ఎన్ని రూపాయలు ?
ఈనాటి పోకల పలుకులు
“శ్రద్ధాభావంతో ఏమి చేసినా మేలే కలుగుతుంది. ఎంత చిన్న పనైనా సవ్యంగా చేస్తే అద్భుతమైన ఫలితాన్ని ఇస్తుంది. కాబట్టి ఏ జఠిల సమస్యనైనా శ్రద్ధతో, ఓపికతో నిర్వహించాలి. “ఓపిక” ఎంత గొప్పదంటే, అది మనలో ఎంత ఎక్కువగా ఉంటే అంత పైకి ఎదుగుతాము.”
Today Pokala Mantra
“Anger is the fume of an irritated mind. It is caused by the thwarting of desires.”
Legendary Engineers & Personalities

Mission Jala Nidhi
The majority of the water was being utilised for agricultural purposes. Non-tapping of rain water and water flow from one place to another place also affects the fertility of the soil. The farmers in Rajasthan and Israel, where the rainwater percentage is very low, were also benefitted.
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Millets Mission
Dr. Khadar Valli, is a native of Proddutur town, Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh. He has been working relentlessly in reviving Siridhanya, also known as positive millets for nearly 20 years. After having completed a Masters in Science (with a specialization in Education)
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Latest News
- workshop on Conserving our natural water and Man made water bodies
- TREA Team Members reached Kaddam Damsite
- Visuals of12member TREA Team visit of Mallannasagar
- Visited TREA Khammam District Branch along with Working President Er S. Muthyapu Reddy
- Four Stages of Elimination in Life:
- 415 కి.మీ. మెట్రో విస్తరణ సాధ్యమే
- ‘కడెం’ కష్టమే.. ప్రాజెక్టు నిర్వహణపై చేతులెత్తేసిన నీటిపారుదలశాఖ
- Itinerary of TREA Members visit of Irrigation Projects
- India issues notice to Pakistan for modification of Indus Water Treaty
- Why should millets replace rice and wheat as the staple in your plate? They lower diabetes, cholesterol & triglycerides
- Vande Bharat Express : ఆయన కలల ప్రాజెక్టే ‘వందేభారత్ ఎక్స్ప్రెస్’
- Telangana Engineers Memorial Day 2022
- అంతర్జాతీయ వికలాంగుల దినోత్సవం
- Success has many Relatives, meanwhile failure is Orphan!
- Save Secunderabad Railway Station’s main building
- 6th Telangana Irrigation Day Celebrations
- Telangana CM K Chandrasekhar Rao wants tribunal to resolve water row
- కాంగ్రెస్, బీజేపీ జల పాపాలు
- TREA Team met Smt. Hari Chandana Dasari IAS,Collector Narayanpet District
- Income Tax Benefits for Senior Citizens

Chief Advisors
Executive Body
